Michael Callison has had a vision loss since birth. Since then he has had glaucoma and has required cataract surgery. Almost 7 years ago this nice West Virginia man came to me for help with his vision. At that time I prescribed bioptic telescopic glasses to help his distance vision and an additional lens that focusses them for his computer. Michael likes to work on small engines and I prescribed a pair of telemicroscopic glasses to help him there. He was in my office yesterday and I asked him how he was doing with the two pair of low vision glasses. "Love them. I wouldn't trade them for anything" he told me. He especialy likes the telescopic glasses for computer use as well as reading. "I've told lots of people that these are the most expensive glasses that I have ever owned and they are worth every penny of it" Michael was told for years that nothing could be done to help him see better. I am happy that he came to me and I was able to help. Many people with longstanding vision loss can be helped with low vision glasses. It all begins with a phone call. Please give me a call toll free 1 866 321-2030. I will be happy to talk with you about your vision problem and I will tell you is I'll be able to help you.