Often when I am speaking with someone about their low vision problem I recommend that they try a test at home to show them if low vision glasses will help. This is something that you may want to try before calling me for a free telephone consultation. Here is what you do:
You will need a pair of binoculars. It is best if they are no more than 7X (magnify 7 times or less). The power is written right on them. You will probably be able to borrow a pair if you don't own one. If not, go to a store where they are sold. Ask if you can try a pair right there in the store. You don't need to buy them.
If you are at home, stand 15 feet or farther from your TV and see if the binoculars help you see it better. Then ask someone to stand 20 feet from you, in good light. Can you see their face better with the binoculars? Take them outdoors. Are you able to see your neighbors house better? Do they help you see the cars and the people better? If you are at a store just look around the store, look at people's faces and the displays. Do the binoculars help?
It is important that you do this test both with your glasses on and also without them.
After you have tried the binocular test give me a call. I will be happy to discuss your low vision problem with you. Knowing how the binoculars helped will make it easier for me to determine if I can help you. Call me toll free at 866 321-2030 for a free telephone consultation.
Good luck. I hope that the binocular test shows you that magnification helps. If they do I should be able to prescribe proper low vision glasses to help you return to some of the activities that you have been unable to do. #lowvision