Bobbie Poling knows the value of a Leader Dog. She has had Danae helping her for 3 years and, working through her Lions Club, Bobbie helps others obtain Leader Dogs to assist them.
Bobbie was diagnosed with Stargardt's Disease, a form of macular degeneration, in 1991 and has gradually lost her central vision. Danae, her Leader Dog, is her constant companion and helper.
When Bobbie came to me recently she was hoping for help seeing the faces of her family and with reading, as well as many hobbies that she had previously enjoyed. Bobbie has a CCTV reading machine but hoped for something more easily used and portable.
Danae and Bobbie's husband watched patiently as I evaluated her distance and near vision. Several types of low vision glasses were considered and I determined that she would benefit most from a pair of 3x bioptic telescopic glasses for outdoor activities, wide angle telescopic glasses for viewing television and a hand held electronic magnifier to help with reading.
Bobbie wrote later to thank me and report on her success with the low vision devices. "Dr. Armstrong helped me to be able to see the face of my husband, children and grandchildren. He gave me the ability to see TV and enjoy that again. I recommend him to anyone who needs help with their vision issues."
"You did a super job of looking at me as a whole person and tried to help me maintain my quality of living. Thank you so much for what you did for me." Bobbie Poling
If you would like to discuss your vision issues please call me toll free. I will be happy to talk with you and will give you an honest opinion of whether I can help you.
For more information about Leader Dogs call 888 777-5332 or go to the website