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About Low Vision
There are many people who have a vision loss that is not correctable with typical eyeglasses or contact lenses. They've lost some vision and are unable to see well enough to participate in activities that are important to them. We say that these people have low vision. Eye diseases like macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, Stargardt's disease and glaucoma, among others, are common causes of low vision. For many years there have been optometrists who help low vision patients see better so they can return to a more normal life. Special telescopic or microscopic glasses are often prescribed which help the person return to reading, driving, using a computer, participating in hobbies or crafts. Some people are able to return to work. Most of these people have been told by their eye doctors that nothing can be done to help them. It is true that there is no cure for these diseases and the vision will not return to normal. The job of the low vision optometrist is to evaluate the person's remaining vision and prescribe appropriate glasses or other devices which magnify what is seen, making it easier to see.Free Telephone Consultation My practice is totally dedicated to helping low vision patients. That is all that I do. I always speak with patients before scheduling a low vision evaluation. That helps me understand how much remaining vision they have and what their goals are. I also answer questions and give the person an idea of what to expect from the evaluation and from the special glasses. I only schedule people who I can help. Call me for a free telephone consultation. I will be happy to speak with you and I will tell you if I can help you see better. Call toll free 1 866 321-2030 I see low vision patients in offices in Roanoke, Charlottesville, Harrisonburg and Wytheville, VA. More information at and
Keep Your Eyes Healthy
Today's issue of AOA First Look includes the following synopsis of a US News & World Report article about protecting your eyes from some of the main causes of low vision. Click the link to read this helpful information. For people who have lost vision from eye disease or some other cause a low vision optometrist may be able to help.
I speak with all low vision patients before scheduling an appointment. By asking a few questions about your remaining vision and your goals I will be able to tell you if low vision glasses will help you. There is no charge for the telephone consultation or the toll free call. Call me at 1 866 321-2030. More information on my website
National Eye Institute
Offers Advice To Keep Eyes Healthy.
US News & World Report 
(3/20, Woodham) says a recent report
from The Vision Council notes that 1 in 28 Americans over the age of 40 are
suffering from “low vision, a visual impairment that cannot be repaired by
glasses, contact lenses, medicine or surgery.” But Dr. Rachel Bishop, chief of
the consult services section at the National Eye Institute, says there are
steps that can be taken to reduce eye problems such as cataracts: “The first is
not smoking. The second is protecting their eyes from sunlight by wearing
sunglasses. UV light exposure is associated with cataract but also with other
problems in the eye, so we recommend people wear UV-protection sunglasses when
out in the bright daylight.”