The following brief article from Medscape points out the importance of nutrition for older people. If you have macular degeneration or are closely related to someone who does be sure to get your doctor's recommendation for supplements. This is something that I always discuss with macular degeneration patients and their children.
Medscape (4/18, Hitt) reports, "Several nutrients, including zinc, vitamins C and E, lutein, zeaxanthin, and long-chain omega-3 fatty acids, help promote eye health in aging individuals, according to a statement from a roundtable of experts convened by the Ocular Nutrition Society (ONS)." The expert panel, "led by Jeffrey Anshel, OD, president of the ONS, included eight experts in ophthalmology, optometry, diet and nutrition, and primary care." Members of the "roundtable concluded that the displacement of 'nutrient-dense foods by processed foods in the Western, or American, diet is disconcerting, as is the lack of awareness of key nutrients and other modifiable risk factors that impact eye health,' and they encouraged eating a healthy diet rich in nutrients."