Steve Black received his bioptic telescopic glasses a few days ago. He suffered a vision loss following surgery in July of 2011. Steve came to me asking for help with viewing TV, computer, recognizing people's faces and looking at photographs. I prescribed telescopic glasses to help him watch TV and when using his computer. Steve is a big Virginia Tech football fan. His wife, Deb, has taped several Tech games from the 2011 season and Steve planned to go home and watch some football.
I called Steve this morning to check on his progress with the special telescopic glasses. He is very pleased with them and has used them to watch TV lots. Steve told me about watching the Hokies beat Miami and how much better he was able to see and follow the action compared to watching the game last October before he had the bioptic glasses. He is proud of his Hokies. They won 38 to 35.
Steve Black is a good example of how people with vision loss can be helped by the use of telescopic glasses. By doing a thorough low vision evaluation an optometrist who is experienced in helping people with a vision loss can often prescribe glasses that magnify what is seen, making things easier to see. The vision loss cannot be corrected or made to go away but appropriate low vision glasses can help make it easier to live with.
The first step is to give me a call and we will discuss your problem. I will ask you some questions by phone and tell you if I can help. We will schedule a low vision evaluation only if I honestly feel that I can improve things for you. Call me toll free at 866 321-2030.