Blake told me an interesting story. He has been seen by another low vision doctor who is a state examiner in West Virginia. That doctor prescribed a very small telescope, for his right eye only even though Blake's vision is almost equal in both eyes. Blake has been unable to wear them and prefers the wide angle telescopes that I prescribed. He misses the left telescope and also the wide view of the pair that I prescribed. He drives a lot and only uses the wide angle pair.
Years ago when I was a state examiner here in Virginia I realized that the devices available through the state were not always best for the patient. I gave up serving as a low vision examiner for the State of Virginia years ago. Since then I am able to prescribe what is most helpful for the patient, not just what the state will pay for.
Here is the point. If you have had a low vision evaluation and are not happy with the devices prescribed it may be helpful to see another doctor. Someone with a different perspective. A doctor who is not limited by the state may be able to help you. I invite you to give me a call. Let's talk it over. I will tell you on the phone if I will be able to help you. Call me toll free at 866 321-2030 For more information on help for low vision go to www.VirginiaLowVision.com #stargardtsdisease#bioptictelescopes