Kris' husband found about me from the internet. He has read the entries in this blog telling how others have been helped by low vision glasses.
About a month ago I performed a low vision evaluation on Kris. After evaluating her vision with several low vision devices I prescribed two different types of low vision glasses for her. The picture shows her with her new spectacle miniature (bioptic) telescopes. Because she is very light sensitive the lenses have a dark grey tint. The telescopes improve her vision from 20/120 to better than 20/60. That will allow her to obtain a special Virginia driver' permit allowing her to drive during daylight hours while wearing the bipotics.
The second pair have specially designed telescopic lenses focused at 10 feet. She will use them for watching television. By adding additional lenses over the telescopes they'll focus closer so she can use her computer without increasing the size of the font as much.
As they left my office, Kris and her son were excitedly talking about the things that they would be able to do now that she is able to see better. They are planning some miniature golf and Kris is looking forward to watching her son play flag football.