Shelby Lester has lost vision in her right eye due to macular degeneration and because of a retinal hemorrhage in the left eye. A retinal specialist has been treating the left eye with injections for over a year. Mrs. Lester heard about me and my work with low vision patients. She wanted to be able to return to driving and to be able to read. Shelby loves to sing and was unable to read the music. No glasses had ever been prescribed for her.
Shelby later sent me a list of the things that she is able to do with her low vision glasses:
1. “I can see the channel numbers on the TV and the picture is much clearer now.”
2. “I can see the settings on my stove, washing machine and dryer.”
3. “I can see people’s faces clearer and see things at a distance with my new low vision glasses.”
4. “The prismatic glasses really help with reading”
5. “They help me to be able to drive again.” (She later was able to obtain a driver’s permit allowing her to drive when wearing the bioptic glasses.)
“I am so much happier now. Before getting the glasses I had to depend on my husband a lot more and that made me feel very sad. I pray so many more people can be blessed by getting these glasses.”
Mrs. Lester suffered unnecessarily from her vision loss before discovering that help is available. Her low vision visit with me and the special low vision glasses that I prescribed were the beginning of happier times for her. If you are unable to see well enough to do the things that are important to you call for a free telephone consultation. In a few minutes I will tell you if I will be able to help you see better. Call toll free 866 321-2020 for the free consultation.