Jacob Wayman |
Jacob is a young man who's had reduced vision since he was 16 years old. That's when he was diagnosed with dominant optic atrophy. Dominant optic atrophy is a condition which causes degeneration of the optic nerves resulting in a gradual vision loss.
Jacob came to me realizing that his vision was declining and that he might soon lose his driver's permit. He wanted to continue driving and had heard that I often prescribe telescopic glasses for driving. The DMV has special requirements to obtain a license for driving with the special bioptic telescopic glasses. Jacob was hoping that I would be able to prescribe glasses for him so he'd be able to meet those requirements.
The Virginia DMV requires that a person be able to see at least 20/200 with their better eye using their regular glasses or no glasses. Jacob saw better than that with his right eye. He has normal peripheral vision which is the second requirement. With a 2.2X bioptic he was able to read 20/70 letters, accomplishing the third requirement. The telescopic glasses that I prescribed for Jacob allow him to meet all the requirements for a bioptic license.
I spoke with Jacob today and asked how his first month with the bioptics is going. He loves them. He has been driving his car and his 4 wheeler with them. He told me how much he enjoys driving through the woods on his 4 wheeler now that he can see better. A bonus is that they help him see television. He can sit farther from the TV and enjoys seeing the picture better.
Optic atrophy, like many other conditions that damage the eyesight can be a real game changer in someone's life. Luckily in many cases we are able to help people get back to a more normal life by improving their vision. Low vision glasses, like Jacob's bioptics, can make a positive change in the life of someone who is losing their sight.
If you are dealing with reduced vision and would like to be able to drive, read, use your computer, watch your children or grandchildren play, give me a call. Just call me toll free at 1 866 321-2030. We can talk over your goals and I'll let you know if I will be able to help you. I do not accept low vision patients without speaking with them by phone first. If I feel that I will be able to make an improvement for you we can schedule an appointment. I do not schedule people who I do not think I will be successful with. Give me a call. The phone consultation is free. I'd love to be able to help you.